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National Road Safety Week
Tasmania is proud to be the Host State for the 2024 National Road Safety Week

National Road Safety Week is an initiative from the Safer Australian Roads and Highways (SARAH) Group, partnering with road safety organisations and government to highlight the impact of road trauma and ways to reduce it.

Each year approximately 1200 people are killed on Australian roads and another 40,000 people are seriously injured.

In Tasmania last year 36 people died and over 300 were seriously injured.

Jurisdictions around the country are working to reduce this toll. Tasmania has a long-term vision of zero serious injuries or deaths on our roads, but need the help of all road users if this is to be achieved.

The Road Safety Advisory Council, in partnership with MAIB and Tasmanian Government are proud for Tasmania to be the host state for National Road Safety Week 2024

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What’s On

Click here to see the student Poster Competition Winners

Find out about community events being held in your area

Take the online Road Safety Pledge!

Thank you for your interest in National Road Safety Week 2024! 

For more information about National Road Safety Week,
head to the National website