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DRAFT - Safety Performance Indicators

Safety performance indicators will help monitor performance and progress towards improving road safety in Tasmania.

The Tasmanian Government is developing safety performance indicators to help monitor the effectiveness of initiatives and actions taken under the Towards Zero – Tasmanian Road Safety Strategy 2017-2026, and Towards Zero Action Plan (Action Plan). 

Progress against these indicators will inform our future actions as we move towards our goal of zero fatalities and serious injuries on our roads.

Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) are being developed for the four areas of the Safe System approach to road safety.

  • Safe Road Users.
  • Safe Roads and Roadsides.
  • Safe Vehicles.
  • Safe Speeds.

More information on the Tasmanian Government’s SPIs is provided below.

Learn about Tasmania's road Safety Performance Indicators

  • What are Safety Performance Indicators?

    Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) are key measures of risk in a road network.

    SPIs provide a greater understanding of the level of safety in the road network, reasons for why crashes happen, and help detect emerging issues before they result in crashes.

    SPIs highlight what progress needs to be achieved to reduce road trauma and make steps towards a safe system for all road users. Incremental improvements across SPIs represents progressive movement towards a system that is safer and more survivable for road users.

  • Why use Safety Performance Indicators?

    Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) guide what progress the Tasmanian Government needs to achieve to reduce road trauma on the Tasmanian road network and make progress towards a safe system for all road users.

    Historically, road safety performance has been measured based on the level of trauma on the road network, often presented as annual levels of fatal and serious injuries. Although this method is one way of presenting road safety progress, it is often influenced long after action has been taken.

    SPIs enable the Tasmanian Government to monitor the progress of initiatives under the Towards Zero Strategy 2017-2026, and Towards Zero Action Plan 2020-2026, in the short-term to ensure that progress is being made towards improving road safety in Tasmania.

    Incremental improvements across Tasmania's SPIs represents progress towards a system that is safer and more survivable for road users.

  • How is information gathered to inform Safety Performance Indicators?

    Information informing Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) is gathered from a range of data sources. The approach to gathering this information is based on international and Australian best-practice methodologies adapted to Tasmania's road environments.

    Information sources that are used to inform SPIs include data samples from enforcement activities, data samples from independent surveys, data from statewide network traffic, and data from the Tasmanian Government's database for vehicle registrations.

    Samples, surveys and information has been gathered in collaboration with stakeholders including Tasmania Police, the Department of State Growth, and independent research groups. Representative surveys and samples cover a range of locations across Tasmania to ensure a statewide approach.

  • How will Safety Performance Indicators help improve road safety outcomes?

    Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) help guide road safety action in the short- to medium-term by providing policy makers with prompt feedback on whether road safety efforts are making the expected impact on reducing road safety risk on Tasmanian roads.

    SPIs also help to identify where policy makers may need to undertake or commission research to understand what practical solutions can help eliminate remaining risks, where current actions are already in place but only impacting safety to an extent. This research can then inform actions that policy makers could consider to further reduce road safety risk on Tasmanian roads.

    Once further developed, targets against each SPI will support the tracking of efforts to reduce road safety risk on Tasmanian roads. Targets are intended to drive continuous improvement across all areas of the Safe System approach to road safety and align with initiatives under the Towards Zero Action Plan 2020-2026.

To download information sheets about Safety Performance Indicators please use the links below.

Road Safety – Safety Performance Indicators – Overview

Draft List of Safety Performance Indicators

Draft list of Safety Performance Indicators

The initial list of Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) being monitored by the Tasmanian Government is presented below. SPIs will help monitor the performance of the government’s actions taken under the Towards Zero – Tasmanian Road Safety Strategy 2017-2026, and Towards Zero Action Plan 2020-2026 (Action Plan). Some SPIs have an initial baseline established (listed in the table below). Where data is currently unavailable for reporting an ‘N/A’ (not available) is denoted against relevant SPIs.

Please note the indicators are under development and subject to updates.


Under development

Please note Safety Performance Indicators are under development and subject to updates.

Initial information sheets for individual safety performance indicators are listed below, these are under development and subject to updates.

The content listed below is in draft form.

Safety Performance Indicator (SPI) information sheets, grouped under elements of the Safe System approach to road safety.

Safe road users.

Safe roads and roadsides.

  • SPI 5 – Percentage of the high-speed, high-volume network with 3-star or equivalent infrastructure. – This indicator is currently under development. 
  • SPI 6 – Percentage of the state rural road network with shoulder sealing, centreline treatment and delineation where possible. – This indicator is currently under development. 

Safe vehicles.

Safe speeds.